This Introduction to Free Software has been produced by the Self-project together with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) with a number of recognised authors on the subjects of Free Software.
In this course students will learn how to use audio recorders and editing software. They will create audio segments which later will be included in a class created podcast.
welcome to Becoming an eTeacher, a five-module course on getting online and becoming an eTeacher.
We will follow Fifi, our teacher, as she learns the essential skills needed to begin eTeaching.
This course is in five parts, preceded by an introduction video (to the right). You can preview the modules to see which of them you want or need to complete on its own, or you can complete them all one-by-one in your own time, at your own pace. If you complete them all, we suggest you complete them in order, beginning with Module 1.
We will follow Fifi, our teacher, as she learns the essential skills needed to begin eTeaching.
This course is in five parts, preceded by an introduction video (to the right). You can preview the modules to see which of them you want or need to complete on its own, or you can complete them all one-by-one in your own time, at your own pace. If you complete them all, we suggest you complete them in order, beginning with Module 1.
Not a real course but a free book by Mohammed Al-Ubaydli about how to convince people to use free software.
How to run a succesfull Free Software Project.
This short course about the marketing of Free Software. It gives the end user an opportunity to give something back to the open source community. The course is started by Catharina, one of the developers of Open-Of-Course . This course is available in English and Dutch. Have fun with it and feel welcome to add more tips to the forum!

This guide is for helping people to understand how to and how not to engage with community over projects such as software, content, marketing, art, infrastructure, standards, and so forth. It contains knowledge distilled from years of Red Hat experience.