When I printed my layout the images, and text came out mirrored. I checked to see if PDF 1.4 was correctly set in the document set up and it was.
I am running WinXp and have ghostscript installed. I am also printing on a networked printer. The host computer does not have ghostscript installed could this be the problem.?
Preflight verifier says no problems. If I check the "Check for transparencies" I get four errors in my mastheads, but they are in fact transparencies so shouldn't be a prob right.?
I really like the program so far and have been using OpenSource Programs for the past 7 years, and as time has progressed the documentation and support has gotten better making it easier to spread the word.
I really appreciate the time someone has dedicated to making the tutorial, even though I couldn't find the original files, so I used my own images and text, and I am quite happy with the results, except the printing issue, but I know it can be solved with some help.
So thanks in advance.
I would also like to thank all the people who participated in the Scribus Project.